Saturday, August 30, 2008

Exploring technorati

I found some of the advice and notes quite useful but following tags to find useful stuff for me was tedious. The layout is typical of most US sites - very cluttered, loads of pop ups and adverts - still, if I was starting from scratch and needing to find blogs I suppose it would be a start.....

For example; this had worried me - how to keep some blog entries in case the blogger doesn't put them in an archive.

What is a permalink?
The homepages of most weblogs have several entries, or posts, listed on them. Because blogs tend to be frequently updated, articles you find on a weblog's homepage one day may not be there the next. A permalink is the permanent identifier to a specific weblog post or article. Bloggers love permalinks — they provide an easy way to capture specific references to posts or articles about which bloggers are writing.
Not even halfway through the exercises and I am search weary/wary - oh not another way to troll/trawl!

Having searched by the different methods suggested ; tags, directory and blogs , I found blogs gave more results but were of varying levels of expertise or nerdiness - the others didn't seem satisfactory at all. Technorati may be useful in the US and certainly a trawling feature for blogs is needed but it wasn't particularly useful for me.

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